86 year old Canadian sails across North Atlantic
Jack Nye from Mississauga, ON, is currently just north of Flemish Cap (the Grand Banks) sailing to Long Pond, Newfoundland from Bantry Bay, Ireland – his final trans-Atlantic double crossing. He is sailing his specially rigged 29-ft Alberg sailboat with Irish friend Julian as crew. Earlier this summer he left Halifax, sailing non-stop to England, then continued on to Ireland, and now sailing back to Canada. He is about 10 days late, but his family has received a one-way radio message from a ship to say that they are OK. They estimate he should arrive in Long Pond around September 3rd. He should have some good stories to tell – perhaps of an encounter with Hurricane Irene! [Sep.2/2011]
Jack Nye is 86 years old, and a World War 2 Royal Navy veteran. This is his 18th trans-Atlantic double crossing.
Sep. 13, 2011: Jack Nye has returned home safely to Canada.
Update Sep. 28, 2011 from Mark Nye, Jack’s son:
This is an update to let you know that my dad has arrived home safe and sound after an amazing double crossing of the North Atlantic aboard his 29-ft Alberg sailboat. He had quite a time with broken rigging and ripped sails on the way over, then pounding rain and strong headwinds on the return crossing. His friend Julian is back in Ireland, and Jack and the boat are back in Mississauga. This was his last of 18 Atlantic crossings plus 3 times around the Horn.